Holistic Bucks

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How I Celebrate The Holidays on a $500 Budget: A Guide to Budget-Friendly Holiday Shopping

Hey there! It's that time of year again when the holiday season is just around the corner, and the excitement is building up. You might be wondering, "Why are we talking about Christmas already?" Well, it's never too early to embrace the holiday spirit and prepare for the festivities. In this blog post, I'll share my personal tips on how I manage to spend less than $500 on Christmas gifts while still making it a special time of the year for myself and my loved ones - while ditching the financial pressures and stress to spend.

Setting the Stage: The Importance of a Christmas Budget

Before we dive into the details, let's talk about the elephant in the room: holiday spending. Christmas is that magical time when we want to show our love and appreciation through gift-giving. But it's also the season when people tend to overspend, leading to financial stress in the new year. This is why many finance experts, enthusiasts, and gurus emphasize the importance of budgeting for the holidays.

In the United States, holiday retail sales in November and December combined reached a staggering $789 billion in 2020. That's a significant increase from previous years, and it's safe to say that this number has only continued to rise. On average, individuals spend around $1,000 during the holiday season. However, my aim is to show you how to cut that in half and spend $500 or even less while still making it a memorable and joyous occasion.

The Gift List: Making a List and Checking It Twice

One of the most enjoyable aspects of holiday preparations is creating the gift list. I like to use a digital tool like Excel or Notion to keep track of everything, but a simple pen and paper work just as well. Start by listing all the people you want to give gifts to this year. Next to each name, assign a specific dollar amount from your budget. I tend to allocate more for immediate family members and close friends, while a bit less goes to extended family and acquaintances.

Why not download my Holiday Gift Tracker™️ to help you track your spending on gifts during the holiday season?

Shopping Smart: Early Birds Catch the best Deals

Let's talk about timing. I'm one of those people who starts shopping early. In fact, as I write this in September (I'll probably schedule this post for November), I've already begun my Christmas shopping. The period from October to December is prime time for deals and discounts. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are just around the corner, and you don't want to miss out on the fantastic bargains they offer.

Pro tip: Keep an eye out for companies that start advertising their deals even before Black Friday and Cyber Monday. Sign up for their email lists to receive exclusive offers. I usually don't advocate for excessive email subscriptions, but during the holiday season, it can save you a bundle.

Getting Crafty: Homemade Gifts with a Personal Touch

Are you a crafty person? If so, consider making homemade gifts. While I haven't tried this myself (yet), I have friends who are incredibly talented at knitting, crocheting, and crafting. Handmade gifts like scarves, personalized ornaments, or scrapbooks can be not only cost-effective but also incredibly meaningful.

Secret Santa: The Perfect Solution for Groups

Here's an idea that my friends and I love and practice: Secret Santa. Instead of buying gifts for every single friend in your group, draw names randomly to determine who you'll be gifting. This way, everyone receives a thoughtful present, but you only have to focus on one person, saving you both time and money. Many workplaces also adopt this approach for their holiday celebrations.

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Secondhand Treasures: Thrift Store Finds

Shopping secondhand at thrift stores, consignment shops, and online marketplaces can unearth hidden gems. While some people may prefer brand-new items, others, like me, appreciate the charm of vintage or secondhand treasures. It's not only eco-friendly but also budget-friendly.

Wrap It Up: Creative Wrapping and Decorations

Now, let's talk about the wrapping. Instead of rushing to the dollar store for wrapping paper and decorations, get creative. You can use old newspapers, brown paper bags, or even swap out certain fabrics for wrapping. Handmade ornaments and decorations add a personal touch to your gifts and your holiday decor.

Communication Is Key: Let Others Know Your Budget

Last but certainly not least, don't be afraid to communicate your budget to your loved ones. Last year, when I took a gap year and wasn't working as much, I let people know that I wouldn't be able to spend as much on gifts. If your friends and family care about you, they'll understand and appreciate your honesty.

Gift Cards for the Uncertain

Now, what about those people you don't know very well or aren't sure what they'd like? In these cases, I opt for gift cards. While some may argue that it's not the most personal gift, I believe it's important to honor people's preferences. If someone prefers gift cards, respect their choice, and let them pick out something they truly want.

In the end, the holiday season is about spending quality time with loved ones and creating lasting memories. Material gifts, while thoughtful, aren't the heart and soul of the holidays. By following these budget-friendly holiday shopping tips, I've managed to enjoy a meaningful and memorable Christmas without financial stress. So, go ahead and spread the holiday cheer without breaking the bank!

Remember, it's the thought and love behind the gifts that truly matter during this festive season. Wishing you all a fantastic and budget-friendly holidays!


↳ my coaching services https://bit.ly/3ZAs0NZ

↴ additional resources:

→ Download my Holiday Gift Tracker™️ to help you track your spending on gifts during the holiday season 🎁

→ Download my free ebook on mastering your money mindset https://bit.ly/3fAfj33 💵

→ Sign up for my bi-weekly newsletters https://bit.ly/466g09H 📨

→ Follow me on WhatNot for giveaways and selling hauls of my clothes, books, and misc. spiritual items @morganblackman


✉️ hello@morganblackman.com