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How to Use “I Am" Affirmations to Manifest Any Financial Goal

Have you ever seen the rice experiment? There are three jars of rice and each is repetitively told one word. One jar receives positive words like "I love you". Another jar is ignored, while the last jar receives negative words like "I hate you". By the end of the experiment, the last two jars of rice had turned black or moldy, while the first jar (the positive jar) was still in good condition.

Moral of the story - words are EXTREMELY powerful. So what if we used that magic in combining both positive words and intentions towards ourselves, just like that first jar of rice? This experiment has actually already been done on humans, and this mindful practice is called an affirmation.

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The #1 Affirmation

The most popular affirmation is "I AM". Anything after these two words has the power to determine our reality. Many who are familiar with affirmations understand the power of using them to manifest whatever it is we desire in our life.

"I Am" is truly the resonance of God and the universe. Since we are all one and God can be found within, we have the innate ability to tap into this superpower. We are constantly affirming our thoughts and upholding belief sets. The only reason why we don't realize this is that the majority of our affirmations are done subconsciously. Knowing that it's easy to see why our journey in life can be so hard. We are wired to be wary, 85% of our thoughts are negative. Fear, stress, anxiety, doubt, and insecurity are the emotions constantly running through our minds. For good reason though, our brain is only trying to protect us from all the things that have happened in our past. Not to mention the deeply embedded childhood trauma and the social conditioning of our institutions and kin.

In order to parent our inner child and make room for more positive thoughts, we want to make sure we do great work in removing those limiting beliefs about ourselves and others by replacing them with positive affirmations. We want to make sure we're staying on top of our own subconscious story and rewriting those scripts by telling ourselves as many positive statements as we can.

Affirmations 101

My theory is that thought repeated over and over again becomes a belief. Any beliefs you may hold right now are simply because you've thought about it so many times it's just become ingrained in you, consciously or subconsciously. So we want to be mindful of the words we tell ourselves. With affirmations, there's even greater power in writing them down.

Here are a couple of lines of affirmations regarding money and abundance that you can regularly write out or say aloud. There's no right or wrong way to do this, and there are tons of journal exercises on writing powerful affirmations.

I'm going to give you some examples:

  • I am an abundant flow of energy and money flows abundantly to me

  • I am an abundant flow of money

  • I am a powerful source of wealth

  • I easily allow abundance to come into my life

  • I am blessed to have all the things I have right now and all that is coming to me

  • I really love her/him for showing a little bit of gratitude

  • I am a Money Magnet everything I spend comes back to me in return. Balance a little bit more of an advanced affirmation

  • I am well-resourced in times of need

  • I am allowing the universe to reward me with money

  • I'm open to receiving an abundance

  • I am Abundant in every way

Now some of these may be harder for you to say and believe at this moment, but that's OK. Some affirmations will come easier to you than others, but the most important thing is to choose the ones you're comfortable with. Be repetitive and consistent, and don't be bland or surface level either - put in the effort to create affirmations that resonate to be true.

Different Ways to Incorporate Affirmations into Your Life

Mirror Work: There are people who believe affirming out loud in front of a mirror while looking at yourself is like looking and speaking into your soul-making the power in your words 10 times more powerful. I’ve even had a hypnotherapist tell me to get up every morning, and for five minutes just staring into my eyes through a mirror. That alone is super powerful.

Scripting: Another affirmation practice you can try is called scripting, which I personally love to do. The key to scripting is to write out exactly what you desire in the present tense as if you already have it. So it could look something like this: "I am so overjoyed that I finally got the house on 525 Turner street! It's just the most beautiful house, with a beautiful backyard and pool. I'm enjoying my time soaking up the sun in the backyard with this Mimosa, and I am so happy that the universe has given me all that I wanted. I am loving it. I am in this house with the man of my dreams and I have these wonderful children that I just love so much. My family brings me so much joy. I am so blessed and so grateful to be here, and I give thanks for all that I have."

It's basically pretending like you're in the moment. Not only visualizing what it would look like but what it would feel like. Remember, the energy you put behind something is just as important.

Visualization Exercises: One last tool I would recommend is simply, meditating and visualizing what you want. There are tons of guided meditations out there to download. The app “insight timer” has tons of guided meditations to choose from or you can just find a quiet space for yourself, play some soft grounding music, and burn any kind of herbs. Create a sacred space and environment in which you feel most comfortable, so your mind can easily take you to that place of your deepest dreams and desire - with no interruption. Simply meditate and visualize yourself experiencing what it is you want to experience, right as if you're living that present moment. Imagine yourself walking into that dream house, imagine yourself on that dream vacation, or maybe with that dream man. You can meditate on pretty much anything you want to bring into your life, not just financial abundance.

Affirmations Take Work

It's not just about your money journey, it's a life journey. In doing the inner work to remove what has been limiting you, it is important to also aspire and affirm your dreams. As long as you're putting in the work and taking the necessary steps to realize your goals, affirmations can be a great way to propel you even faster. Simply manifesting without doing the work will get you nowhere. Manifesting abundance does not have to mean physical monetary pleasures. It can be an overall richness of family, friends, career, love, money, and life.

Don't back away from being as specific as possible. State exactly how many figures you'd like to make, the exact job you'd like to have, and the type of lifestyle - it’s all crucial! As long as you set the intention and make sure to repeat these above exercises often, a world of opportunities can unfold before you.


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