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Marketing Without Social Media: 5 Alternative Methods for Growing Your Business

In today's digital age, social media platforms dominate the marketing landscape. However, many entrepreneurs are discovering that relying solely on social media may not always be the most effective strategy for growing their businesses. In this blog post, we'll explore alternative methods of marketing that can drive substantial growth without the need for heavy social media use.

Personal Experiences

It would be another day of having to drag myself to find my phone and create a story, even though I didn't feel like making one. "It'll take less than a minute, and then you're free for the rest of the day. Just get it over with. Stop making it about yourself," I'd tell myself.

I was under the impression at the start of my business that I needed to be on social media platforms like Instagram because that would be what would gift me the most success. Sure, other platforms could help you do the same, but they still weren't Instagram. Becoming insta-famous was a flex. Thousands of followers and a blue checkmark meant you were the real deal. It's every entrepreneur or creative's dream, not even just for the likes but for the brand opportunities that come with that amount of influence. So although I initially set out to do YouTube and blog, Instagram became my main platform when I first started coaching back in 2020.

At first, it wasn't too demanding. All I had to do was schedule at least 3-5 posts per week and create the odd story on Instagram. However, soon it shifted to posting on your stories daily (because people hardly see your posts anymore) to creating video reels (because IG wanted to become like TikTok and keep more people on their platform).

The more the “should”s piled up, the more I began to resent my marketing efforts.

Especially as an introvert and the rare person who never had social media before starting my business - it was all just too much. Of course, I wanted people to know about my services so I could create more of an impact in this world with my unique blend of holistic financial wellness coaching. But did I have to sacrifice aspects of my own energetic boundaries, authenticity, and comfortability to do so? In hindsight, no.

As I grew my business and began to witness other coaches around me, I was shocked (simultaneously inspired) to come across the few women who grew their business strictly from referrals or softer marketing strategies like blogging. I knew these were common marketing strategies in certain industries (i.e., real estate referrals), but not with coaching. I thought I had to be front and center and ON all the time, showing up on these social media platforms - constantly climbing this uphill battle trying to stay relevant and ahead of competitors.

Don't get me wrong - today, social media still dominates the marketing landscape. But what if there were alternative methods that could help you grow your business without relying heavily on social media? And still see the same type of success? I came to figure this out when I started earning $10,000 in monthly revenue from my business and tracing where I got the majority of these clients from. Collaborations.

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Yup, good old showing up in front of other people's audiences, primarily through podcasts and workshop events. Only 10% of my clients came from Instagram, yet I was putting 90% of my energy into it.

Stupid move. And even with knowing this, out of fear, I still always felt like I couldn't get rid of social media. Until for health reasons, I decided to pause my business and take a gap year. Coming back now and having had time to reflect, I've chosen to run my business in a way that feels more sustainable to me and allows me to show up with more authenticity and less pressure to be pimped out by the algorithms and overwhelming content creation processes of social media.

Recent years, social media has become a cornerstone of marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter offer unprecedented opportunities to connect with audiences, build brand awareness, and drive sales. However, these platforms also come with challenges such as algorithm changes, saturation, and the need for constant content creation.

For some entrepreneurs, social media may not align with their brand's values, or they may find it overwhelming to maintain a consistent presence. Others may want to diversify their marketing efforts beyond social media to reach a broader audience or connect with clients in different ways.

All I know is that certain marketing strategies aren’t for everyone. It’s better to choose one platform that’s in alignment and stick with it. I’m sure you‘ll get to a stage where someone else can manage the platforms you don’t care to be on - but in the meantime, why not choose to have fun creating content on platforms that feel more in alignment? Whether on or off the apps?

Leveraging Community Groups

One effective alternative to traditional social media marketing is leveraging community groups both online and offline. Community groups provide a targeted audience that shares common interests or needs, making them an ideal place to connect with potential clients or customers. Not to mention, you could step away with a new friend too!

How to Leverage Community Groups:

  • Identify Relevant Groups: Look for online forums, Facebook groups, or local meetups that cater to your target audience or personal life interests. You don’t have to go in with the intention to sell, but you should go in to learn, connect, and provide value.

  • Provide Value: Engage with the community by sharing your expertise, answering questions, and offering valuable insights. This will bring awareness to your profile and/or brand naturally, without having to come across as aggressive and only there to sell.

  • Promote Your Services Thoughtfully: Instead of directly selling, focus on building relationships and demonstrating your expertise. You could get away with sharing a link to a blog or asking a question that will require your feedback and expertise. You might be able to get away with dropping a freebie that could incite viewers to sign up for your mailing list where you are then more free to sell to them there.

Without community, I personally would not have been able to initially grow my business to $10,000 months, an email list of over 1,000+ people, and get sponsorships from large finance and wellness brands. When I joined Holisticism, I knew I’d be surrounded by other intuitive and spiritually inclined entrepreneurs who would be my ideal audience to establish future client relationships. I would offer free resources around wealth building and mindset along with complimentary market research and coaching calls. This would often lead to testimonials (never too much of those!), referrals and even sometimes them deciding to be a client of mine as well.

Collaborating for Content

Collaborating with others for content creation is another effective way to reach new audiences and build credibility in your industry. This can include guest blogging, joint webinars, or podcast appearances.

Strategies for Content Collaboration:

  • Find Like-Minded Entrepreneurs: Look for partners who share your values or serve a similar audience. I would often start with friends in the wellness and spiritual spaces, who weren’t quite my competitors and could benefit from having me speak to their audience. I did this through IG lives, podcasts, blogs, and workshop events - and would return the favor whenever I could.

  • Offer Value: Create content that provides real value to the audience of your collaborator. Don’t just show up to sell and talk about your offerings. Teach their audience something they maybe already didn’t know, and answer questions.

  • Expand Your Reach: By getting in front of other people’s audience, you are expanding your reach with less effort than if you had to create this yourself. It’s easier to find a new client when exposed to numerous other people who trust the source with which you have a relationship versus a potential client learning about you directly online and needing to take more time to develop trust in you.

My success with podcast collaborations underscores the effectiveness of this strategy. One podcast collaboration led me to end up on numerous others, and even land brand sponsorships with brands like Four Sigmatic. Being in front of their large audiences, immediately boosted my brand’s visibility and sales. By appearing on podcasts, not only did I reach new clients but I also established myself as an authority in the financial wellness field.

Start a Podcast or Blog Post

Podcasts are a powerful platform for reaching engaged audiences who are actively seeking information and inspiration. Unlike social media, where content can quickly get lost in a feed, podcasts offer a dedicated space for in-depth conversations and storytelling. By starting a podcast, you can create content that resonates deeply with your audience without the constant pressure of showing up live or posting frequent updates.

Why Podcasts Are Effective:

  • Targeted Audience: Podcast listeners are often highly engaged and loyal to their favorite shows. They tune in specifically to hear valuable insights and stories.

  • Authority Building: Speaking on podcasts allows you to showcase your expertise and build credibility in your field.

  • Networking Opportunities: Podcast hosts often have extensive networks that can lead to additional speaking engagements or collaborations.

Leveraging Blogs

Starting a blog is another effective alternative marketing strategy that limits the need for live appearances and frequent social media updates. Blogs allow you to delve deeply into topics, share your expertise, and provide valuable information to your audience. Well-written blog posts can drive traffic to your website and serve as a lasting resource for your readers.

Why Blogs Are Effective:

  • SEO Benefits: Blogs can significantly boost your website's search engine ranking, making it easier for potential clients to find you through organic searches.

  • Evergreen Content: Unlike social media posts that quickly become outdated, blog posts can remain relevant and continue to attract readers over time.

  • Flexibility: Blogging allows you to create content on your own schedule without the pressure of real-time engagement.

Integrating Podcasts and Blogs:

Using podcasts and blogs together can amplify your reach and impact. Here’s how you can integrate both:

  1. Repurpose Content: Turn your podcast episodes into blog posts. This not only saves time but also provides your audience with multiple ways to consume your content.

  2. Cross-Promote: Mention your blog in your podcast and vice versa. This can drive traffic between the two platforms and keep your audience engaged across different mediums.

Since I’ve recently begun focusing on increasing my presence on my blog, I’ve noticed a marked increase in client engagement and business growth. I’ve also been able to re-purpose my YouTube videos into blogs, and then my blogs into newsletters and other bite-size social media content (i.e. LinkedIn posts). You don’t have to re-purpose your blogs onto social media either, it’s just an extra step I’m willing to take but if you want to be more restrictive you can be just as successful focusing on a blog or podcast (or both).

While social media still dominates the marketing landscape, alternative strategies like starting a podcast or a blog can help you grow your business without relying heavily on platforms that require frequent live appearances and content updates. By embracing these methods, you can create meaningful, lasting connections with your audience and build your authority more sustainably and authentically.

Harnessing Email Newsletters

Email newsletters are another effective alternative to social media marketing. Unlike social platforms, where algorithms determine who sees your content, newsletters are delivered directly to your audience's inbox, ensuring they receive your message. You also don’t have to worry about a media platform getting bugged, hacked, or shut down - risking losing all of your most valuable content.

Similar to blogging and podcasts, someone choosing to sign up for your emails is engaged and highly loyal to your products and services and this might be a controversial opinion, but it should be your primary marketing strategy above all others. If you are just starting a business, start with this strategy first rather than later.

Building an Effective Email Newsletter Strategy:

  • Segment Your Audience: Tailor your content to different segments of your audience based on their interests or needs.

  • Offer Valuable Content: Provide tips, resources, or exclusive offers that resonate with your subscribers.

  • Encourage Engagement: Include calls to action that prompt readers to visit your website, book a consultation, or follow you on other platforms where you create content.

There have been a growing amount of email newsletter companies within the past few years, and one thing I’ve noticed is that many have the additional marketing strategy of creating a newsletter-only referral network. This means that your subscribers get rewarded for referring your newsletter to their network. You can also request to be featured in others' newsletters to grow your audience and build relationships with potential clients as well. Check out referral network companies like Beehiiv, Sparkloop, and ViralLoops to add referral marketing widgets to your emails. As an email service provider, I’ve always been a loyal customer of Flodesk for its seamless use and beautiful designs.

Embracing YouTube and Pinterest

Platforms like YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest offer unique opportunities for content discovery and engagement. Unlike social media platforms that prioritize short-form content, YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest allow for longer, more in-depth content that can drive significant traffic to your website or blog. A big reason for this is that compared to other social media platforms, these platforms (Youtube and Pinterest more specifically) are heavily SEO-driven, so people are searching for your content with more intention, and even better…your content is evergreen and can be searched for at any time. Even months and years down the road (vs. quick reels that come and go - never to be seen again 🫥)!

Why YouTube, LinkedIn, and Pinterest Are Effective:

Searchability: Users often use these platforms to search for specific content, making it easier to attract users who are actively seeking information to begin with.

Visual Appeal: Pinterest is particularly effective for businesses that rely on visual content, such as design, fashion, or food but can still work for other niches like finance and travel that link back to blogs. Pinterest emphasizes static images and infographics over video content, which means you can create high-quality visuals without the need to ever show your face or provide live updates.

Professional Networking: LinkedIn is the go-to platform for B2B marketing, professional networking, and sharing industry-specific content. It allows you to connect with professionals, potential clients, and collaborators, making it an invaluable tool for business growth. LinkedIn thrives on articles, written posts, and professional updates rather than requiring frequent live video appearances.

Educational Content: YouTube is ideal for sharing tutorials, webinars, or interviews that demonstrate your expertise. While YouTube does support live streaming, the platform’s strength lies in its long-form, pre-recorded content. This allows you to create and edit videos at your own pace, reducing the pressure to constantly show up live.

As someone more introverted and reserved, and with a 2,4 human design profile (hermit energy is real), I CANNOT be on all the time. So being able to pre-record videos or focus on creating more written form content fits much better.

Crafting Your Marketing Strategy

When it comes to marketing your business, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. The key is to find strategies that align with your values, resonate with your audience, and contribute to sustainable business growth.

Steps to Craft Your Marketing Strategy:

  • Identify Your Goals: Determine what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts, whether it's increasing brand awareness, driving sales, or building credibility.

  • Evaluate Your Options: Consider the pros and cons of each marketing strategy and how they align with your business objectives.

  • Monitor and Adjust: Regularly review your marketing efforts to determine what's working and what needs adjustment.

My journey from leveraging community groups to collaborating with others and embracing YouTube and Pinterest demonstrates the power of alternative marketing strategies. It’s almost as if I’ve come back full circle in my business, deciding to focus primarily on YouTube and blogging as my way to market my brand and expand my audience reach. I’m also using a bit of social media through less intensive platforms like Pinterest and Social media when called, to further expose my content to a wider audience. Ensuring to re-purpose content as I go, to minimize burnout while leveraging exposure.


In conclusion, while social media platforms offer valuable opportunities for connecting with your audience, they are not the only path to success. By leveraging community groups, collaborating with others for content, exploring podcast collaborations, harnessing email newsletters, and embracing platforms like YouTube and Pinterest, you can build a robust marketing strategy that drives significant growth for your business.

Remember, the key to success lies in finding strategies that align with your values, resonate with your audience, and contribute to sustainable business growth. Whether you're just starting out or looking to diversify your marketing efforts, these alternative methods offer valuable opportunities to connect with your audience and build your brand.

What alternative marketing strategies have worked best for your business?

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✉️ hello@morganblackman.com