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Affirmations That Work: How I Manifested a Luxury Rooftop Dinner and $10k Months

In the world of self-development, few tools are as powerful and accessible as affirmations. As a holistic wealth coach, I've experienced firsthand how affirmations can transform lives—not just financially, but emotionally and spiritually as well. But this transformation isn't just theory for me; it's deeply personal. I’ve manifested incredible experiences, from nearly attracting a sugar daddy during a luxurious rooftop dinner to consistently earning $10k months in my business.

These experiences aren’t just lucky breaks—they’re the result of a dedicated practice of affirmations. Today, I want to share with you my personal journey with affirmations and guide you on how to use this powerful tool to manifest your desires, whether it's financial freedom, deeper relationships, or overall well-being.

This post will dive into the three main ways I’ve used affirmations: journaling, visual aids like sticky notes and vision boards, and surrender statements. I’ll also weave in stories from my own life to illustrate just how transformative these practices can be.

The Power of Affirmations in Journaling

Journaling is where my affirmation journey began. There’s something incredibly grounding about putting pen to paper, and when you infuse this practice with affirmations, it becomes a powerful tool for manifesting your desires.

A few years ago, I found myself stuck in a rut. I was struggling with finances, feeling disconnected from my goals, and unsure of my direction. It was around this time that I discovered the power of affirmation journaling. Every morning, I would write down affirmations that aligned with my deepest desires. Phrases like "I am worthy of financial abundance" and "I attract wealth effortlessly" filled the pages of my journal.

At first, it felt a bit strange—like I was writing fiction. But as the days turned into weeks, I noticed subtle shifts. My mindset began to change. I started seeing opportunities where there were none before. My energy shifted, and so did my circumstances.

One particular manifestation stands out: I had been affirming for that year that I was ready to receive unexpected financial blessings. I was planning a girls’ trip to Las Vegas and wanted to experience a rooftop dinner. I also flirted with the idea of a sugar daddy (common, didn’t we all toy with the idea of having one?). Within a month, I manifested that luxurious rooftop dinner with an older man I met at a casino table. It ended up being a night out that I could not have imagined affording at the time, but I had set that powerful intention to experience it on my trip, and it happened! Although the sugar daddy situation didn’t pan out (I liked the daddy treatment, but didn’t want to give back any of the sugar 😂), the event was a powerful reminder of how the universe responds to our energy and intentions.

As I continued my journaling practice over the years, something even more remarkable happened: I hit my first $10k month in my business. Affirming my worth and my capability to earn those amounts had transformed not just my mindset but my reality.

How to Use Affirmations in Your Journaling Practice

To harness the power of affirmations in journaling, start by setting aside a few minutes each day to write. Here’s a simple process to get you started:

  1. Set Your Intention: Begin your journaling session by setting an intention for what you want to manifest. This could be related to your finances, relationships, health, or any other area of your life.

  2. Write Your Affirmations: Write down 5-10 affirmations that align with your intention. Make sure they are in the present tense and framed positively. For example, instead of writing "I don’t want to be broke," write "I am financially abundant."

  3. Feel the Affirmations: As you write, really connect with the words. Feel the emotions that these affirmations evoke. Imagine what your life will look like once these affirmations become your reality.

  4. Repeat Daily: Consistency is key. The more you write and feel your affirmations, the stronger their impact will be.

Visual Affirmations: The Power of Sticky Notes and Vision Boards

While journaling is a powerful tool for internalizing affirmations, visual aids like sticky notes and vision boards serve as constant reminders of your intentions, keeping them at the forefront of your mind throughout the day.

A few years after I started my journaling practice, I decided to take my affirmations to the next level with a vision board. I gathered images and words that represented my goals—financial freedom, travel, love, and professional success. I placed this board where I could see it every day, so it was the first thing I saw in the morning and the last thing before bed.

One of the most significant manifestations from my vision board was my business growth. I had a clear image of what I wanted—consistent $10k months, a thriving community of clients, and opportunities to expand my impact. I combined this visual with affirmations like "I am a successful holistic wealth coach," and "I attract clients who value my work and pay me what I’m worth."

As I continued to engage with my vision board, opportunities started to flow. I began attracting more clients, receiving invitations to speak at events, and hitting those $10k months consistently. The visual reminders kept my goals in focus and helped me stay aligned with my affirmations.

Sticky Notes: Keeping Affirmations Visible

Another tool I love is sticky notes. These are perfect for placing affirmations in spots where you’ll see them regularly—like your bathroom mirror, your computer, or your refrigerator. Each time you see these notes, you reinforce the positive messages you’ve set for yourself.

How to Create and Use Vision Boards and Sticky Notes

  1. Gather Your Materials: For a vision board, you’ll need a board, magazines, or printouts of images and words that resonate with your goals. For sticky notes, simply have a pad of notes and a pen.

  2. Choose Your Affirmations and Images: Select affirmations and images that represent your deepest desires. These should evoke strong positive emotions when you see them.

  3. Assemble Your Vision Board: Arrange the images and affirmations on your board in a way that feels inspiring. There’s no right or wrong way to do this—just go with what feels good.

  4. Place Sticky Notes Strategically: Write affirmations on sticky notes and place them in locations where you’ll see them multiple times a day. This keeps your affirmations in your conscious mind throughout the day.

  5. Engage with Your Visuals: Spend a few moments each day looking at your vision board and reading your sticky notes. Visualize your goals as if they’ve already been achieved, and feel the emotions associated with those accomplishments.

Surrender Statements: Letting Go to Manifest More

The third technique that has been transformative in my life is using surrender statements. While affirmations focus on what you want to manifest, surrender statements are about letting go of the outcome and trusting that the universe will deliver what’s best for you. It is a shift from a limiting thought or belief to a positive and uplifting one.

As a holistic wealth coach, I’ve always been focused on setting and achieving goals. But there came a point in my journey where I realized that holding on too tightly to specific outcomes was actually blocking my manifestations. I was so focused on how things should happen that I wasn’t allowing the universe to work its magic - or even worst, I feared the exact outcome from happening because I didn’t feel ready to receive it (subconsciously at least).

That’s when I started incorporating surrender statements into my practice. One of my favorites is, "I trust that everything is unfolding perfectly, even if I can’t see it right now." This statement helped me release my attachment to the details and opened me up to receiving in unexpected ways.

One of the most powerful examples of this was during a period when I was trying to grow my business to the next level. I had specific ideas about how this growth should happen, but things weren’t going as planned. Frustrated, I decided to surrender. I repeated my surrender statement daily and focused on being open to all possibilities.

Shortly after, I received an invitation to collaborate on a project that was completely different from what I had envisioned. At first, I was hesitant, but I remembered my surrender practice and decided to go with the flow. That project ended up being one of the most successful ventures I’ve been a part of, leading to growth in my business that far exceeded my original plans.

How to Use Surrender Statements

  1. Acknowledge Your Desire: Start by acknowledging what you want to manifest. Be clear about your goals and intentions.

  2. Create Your Surrender Statement: A surrender statement should focus on trust and letting go. Some examples include:

    • "I surrender to fear because I trust that the universe is bringing me exactly what I need."

    • "I surrender my need to control the outcome because I believe in the universe’s ability to work its magic."

    • "I surrender to denying my right to abundance because I am open to receiving in ways that I cannot yet imagine."

  3. Repeat and Release: Whenever you find yourself getting attached to a specific outcome, repeat your surrender statement. Let go of the need to control how or when your manifestation will happen. Trust that the universe has your back.

  4. Stay Open to Possibilities: By surrendering, you open yourself up to receiving in ways you might not have considered. Be open to opportunities that come your way, even if they don’t match your original plan.

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The Synergy of Affirmations, Visuals, and Surrender

The beauty of using these three techniques—journaling, visual aids, and surrender statements—is that they work together to create a powerful manifestation practice. Journaling helps you internalize your affirmations, visual aids keep your goals at the forefront of your mind, and surrender statements help you let go of limiting beliefs, allowing for greater flow and unexpected blessings.

You may be asking… why do affirmations work so well? Well, affirmations aren't just feel-good statements—they're powerful tools rooted in psychology and neuroscience. When used consistently, affirmations can rewire your brain, shifting your thoughts, beliefs, and ultimately, your reality. Here’s why they work:

Reprogramming Your Subconscious Mind

The subconscious mind is like a sponge, absorbing everything we hear, see, and experience, especially during our early years. It’s where our deepest beliefs about ourselves and the world are stored. Unfortunately, many of these beliefs are limiting and hold us back from achieving our true potential. Affirmations work by directly addressing and reprogramming these beliefs.

When you repeat positive affirmations, you’re essentially telling your subconscious mind a new story. Over time, this repetition helps to overwrite the old, limiting beliefs with new, empowering ones. It’s like planting seeds in the fertile soil of your mind—eventually, those seeds grow into new, positive habits and behaviors.

Shifting Your Vibrational Frequency

Everything in the universe, including our thoughts, operates at a specific vibrational frequency. Negative thoughts and limiting beliefs vibrate at a lower frequency, attracting more of the same low-energy experiences into your life. Conversely, positive thoughts and beliefs vibrate at a higher frequency, attracting high-energy experiences—like abundance, love, and success.

Affirmations help you shift your vibrational frequency by raising your mental and emotional energy. When you consistently focus on positive affirmations, you elevate your vibration, making you a magnet for positive experiences.

Creating a Self-Fulfilling Prophecy

Affirmations also work by creating a self-fulfilling prophecy. When you consistently affirm something, you start to believe it. And when you believe something deeply, you act in ways that make it come true. This is the essence of a self-fulfilling prophecy.

For example, if you affirm daily that you are confident and successful, you start to believe it. This belief influences your actions—you might take more risks, put yourself out there more, or pursue opportunities you would have otherwise ignored. These actions then lead to actual success, reinforcing the belief that you are indeed confident and successful.

The Power of Positive Expectation

Affirmations help cultivate a mindset of positive expectation. When you repeatedly affirm something, you start to expect it to happen. This expectation is powerful because it influences your thoughts, emotions, and actions in ways that align with your desired outcome.

I’d love to hear how affirmations have impacted your life, so comment below and share your story! What are your crazy, empowering, and just plain random manifestation stories? And if you're ready to take your wealth and mindset to the next level, explore the resources I've shared below—each one is designed to support you on your path to holistic wealth and lasting abundance.

↳ my coaching services https://bit.ly/3ZAs0NZ

↴ additional resources and perks:

→ Download my free ebook on mastering your money mindset https://bit.ly/3fAfj33 💵

→ Invest in stocks with Wealthsimple https://bit.ly/3PJYscp 📈

→ Invest in crypto and receive $25 USD https://bit.ly/3TxD4dr 🪙

→ Invest like the rich in art and receive a $200 bonus (USD only) https://bit.ly/3Popuqh 🖼️

→ Sign up for my bi-weekly newsletters https://bit.ly/466g09H 📨


✉️ hello@morganblackman.com