Exploring The 7 Hermetic Principles & How To Use Them As A Way To Improve Our Finances

In our quest for financial well-being and success, we often focus on tangible strategies such as budgeting, investing, and saving. However, there's a deeper, often overlooked aspect that can significantly influence our financial well-being. We need to learn to look at our relationship with money from a holistic approach that encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being as well. Today we explore the spiritual aspect of dealing with our finances and finding peace along this journey through understanding 7 hermetic principles and universal laws taken from the Kybalion.

These laws, rooted in ancient Hermetic philosophy, provide profound insights into the nature of reality and how we interact with the world, including our finances. In this blog post, we will delve into the seven Hermetic principles which include: Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender. We will explore how each principle relates to our relationship with money and financial management, offering a holistic approach to achieving financial success.

The Principle of Mentalism

“The All is Mind; The Universe is Mental.”

The Principle of Mentalism asserts that everything that happens in the universe is a result of mental processes. Our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality, and this extends to our financial life. If we believe that we are capable of achieving financial success, we are more likely to take actions that align with that belief. After all, we create our reality.

So with any change in life, the first step is to believe and visualize ourselves accomplishing our said goals. of course, on an individual level, there is much control in this regard to determining your outlook on life. However, this may not be as easy on a collective level when dealing with systemic barriers and global inequalities. We need to keep this in mind and be sensitive to the idea that we are at fault for not creating our ideal reality. However, the one thing we can and will always be able to control is how we think, feel, and react to a situation. In the end, that will be the determining factor as to how you choose to live a life you love.

Application to Finances:

  • Mindset and Beliefs: Cultivating a positive money mindset is crucial. Affirmations and visualizations can help reinforce the belief that financial success is attainable. Practicing gratitude can also help to hold you in the energy of feeling like you already have enough and are abundant.

  • Goal Setting: Clearly defined financial goals, combined with a strong belief in achieving them, can significantly impact your financial outcomes. I always say, it’s not enough to just wish and want something, but we also have to take the necessary steps to get there. How will your goal be met? How do you want to feel? What do you need to do to get you from Point A to Point B?

  • Overcoming Limiting Beliefs: Identifying and transforming limiting beliefs about money (e.g., "money is the root of all evil" or "I'll never be wealthy") can remove mental barriers to financial success. Our limiting beliefs often stem from our own parental and societal conditioning across various stages in our lives - our childhood being the most formative. Take some time to reflect as to where you may have picked up certain beliefs, and if these in fact are true (most of the time, it is not).

The Principle of Correspondence

“As above, so below; as below, so above.”

The Principle of Correspondence suggests that there is harmony, agreement, and correspondence between the different planes of existence – the physical, mental, and spiritual. This principle teaches us that the patterns we observe in one area of our life are reflected in other areas. My prime understanding of quantum physics is that we are made up of the same building blocks as everything else on our planet, solar system, and beyond. Atoms are the single most broken down unit in every living thing, and if we are all manifestations of the greater Universe and creator itself - then the laws apply to not only us but everything else as well.

We are governed by patterns on other planes and manifestations many of us cannot see with the naked eye or comprehend. With this knowledge and understanding, it’s often humbling to recognize that in our relationship with money, not only is it a mental construct we’ve created, but the energetics of it work the same way and are bound by the same laws we are discussing here today.

Application to Finances:

  • Macro and Micro: Recognizing the patterns in the larger economy can help predict trends in your finances. When our economy is going through peak growth periods, these are good times for spending and seeking higher income opportunities. When the economy is going through a recession, this is probably a better time to save and reassess your financial spending. Understanding market cycles can also similarly guide your investment decisions. When the market is doing good, is an optimal time to sell and cash in on your returns. When the market isn’t doing as good is a better time to buy in low and save.

  • Personal Alignment: Aligning your financial goals with your core values and life purpose ensures that your financial decisions resonate with your overall life path. Money can make you happy, and studies have shown that those who spend their money on things in alignment with what they value, tend to be happier in the long run.

  • Systemic Understanding: On a collective level, the economic health of a society reflects the financial well-being of its individuals. Policies and societal structures impact personal finances, and vice versa. Some policies aid to encourage individuals to spend, while others strategically do the opposite to encourage individuals to save. In doing so, we keep the markets in a state of balance.

The Principle of Vibration

“Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

The Principle of Vibration states that everything in the universe is in constant motion and has its vibrational frequency. This principle can be applied to money, which also carries a specific energy and vibration. Science teaches us that anything that doesn’t move, is devoid of life. However, we know that this cannot be the case since even objects at rest experience motion. It is just expressed differently and on much smaller frequencies than the eye can see and comprehend.

There is a scale when it comes to vibration, ranging from low to high. Higher vibrations reap positive outcomes and research has consistently shown that like attracts like, which is the opposite of what we’ve been told. Sure, people who are complete opposites may initially be attracted to each other for less meaningful reasons, but for long-term sustainably and happiness, we tend to attract those with more similarities than differences. The same can be applied to how we approach our finances.

Application to Finances:

  • Financial Energy: Treat money as energy that flows in and out of your life. Maintaining a positive relationship with money ensures that this energy flow remains healthy. Like attracts like, so positive experiences with our finances will reap positive outcomes and rewards. Like any relationship, it is important to find a healthy way of relating to one another for long-term satisfaction.

  • Attracting Wealth: By raising your vibrational frequency through positive thoughts, actions, and emotions, you can attract more abundance into your life. If you have a negative outlook on money, the positive manifestations of its energetics won’t be attracted to you which makes it harder to attract and build wealth.

  • Emotional State: Your emotional state affects your financial decisions. Being mindful of your emotions can help you make more rational and beneficial financial choices. Remain steadfast in the energies that encompass higher vibrational frequencies such as love, joy, and peace, and try to make financial decisions from this place. If you fall out of balance, awareness can help to bring you back to these optimal places of feeling and being. When you make decisions from emotional states of fear, anxiety, and stress - the outcomes tend to sabotage your overall well-being efforts.

The Principle of Polarity

“Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.”

One of my favorite laws. Just some hit harder than others, you know what I mean? The Principle of Polarity explains that everything has an opposite, and these opposites are the same thing differing in degree. I think in a world with growing misunderstandings and controversies, understanding this principle can help us manage the highs and lows of our financial journey but also outside of money teach us to be more open-minded and respect the different opinions of others.

With the principle of polarity, it’s also important to understand that our universe is constantly trying to seek balance. That is the ideal natural order of things. However, it is also with knowing that circumstances, people, and things change. We are in a constant state of flux, which requires an active effort to restore the natural order of balance in our lives and the lives of others. Nobody wants to feel too hot, or too cold - experiencing the extreme ends of this spectrum of temperature means we would die. There are negative consequences to shifting close to either end of any spectrum. When we are mindful of this, we do our best to remain neutral to our circumstances and to take action in ways that bring us closer to neutrality.

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Application to Finances:

  • Wealth and Poverty: Wealth and poverty are two ends of the same spectrum. Shifting your position on this spectrum involves changing your financial habits and mindset. What actions are you currently taking that are shifting you into a state of poverty? What actions are you taking that are shifting you closer to a state of wealth?

  • Balancing Extremes: Avoid extreme financial behaviors, such as excessive saving without enjoying life or overspending without saving for the future. Strive for balance. Too much wealth can be bad for you (becoming a target of crime, creating unhealthy attachments, greed) as much as too much poverty can also rob you of the joys in life (higher chance of death, isolation, and incentivizes criminal activity).

  • Financial Resilience: Understanding that downturns are a natural part of the financial cycle can help you remain resilient during tough times and optimistic during prosperous periods. That infamous saying when life gets harsh and you feel like you’ve hit rock bottom? “It’s only up from here”, rings true. Just know that nothing ever stays bad for long, and any situation can turn around at any given point in time. Things will get better and things can get worse. Knowing this can prime us to be more prepared for these extremes, and make the best out of our financial situations. When life gives you lemons… ok, ok, I’ll stop. You get the point!

The Principle of Rhythm

“Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall.”

The Principle of Rhythm states that everything flows in and out, rises and falls, and moves in cycles. Like the sun that rises and falls, or the tide that swiftly rushes in just as it does out. Recognizing these rhythms can help us navigate our lives more effectively. There is an element of flow and embodying the natural cycles that come with life. For someone like myself who can be more resistant to change, I am learning to embody the flow of life and seeing change now as something necessary for growth.

Application to Finances:

  • Market Cycles: Financial markets have natural cycles of growth and decline. It is normal for our economy and financial markets to have ebbs and flows, peaks and troughs. Our economy can’t always be in growth mode, as much as we also don’t want to find ourselves in a never-ending recession. However, knowing that each cycle is to come can help guide our investment and financial management strategies.

  • Personal Financial Cycles: Be aware of your financial rhythms, such as periods of high earnings and high expenses. Planning for these cycles can help you maintain financial stability. I am in the process of making a video on seasonal budgeting, and how we should not only budget for the upcoming month but for seasons that may require us to spend more in one area than most. Budgeting is great to stay in check and ahead of these cycles and prepare as a way to improve our financial making decisions.

  • Emergency Funds: Setting aside an emergency fund during periods of abundance prepares you for potential financial downturns, ensuring you can weather the storm. Most of the time, we wait for a negative financial situation to occur and then freak out having to now overreact to it than have the energy to be proactive and expect it with preparedness. A key way to be prepared for any financial downturns and to be financially responsible is to save as much as you can, when you can, as well as diversify your investments.

The Principle of Cause and Effect

“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.”

The Principle of Cause and Effect is foundational to understanding the mechanics of our inner and outer worlds. This principle teaches us that nothing happens by chance; every action we take has a corresponding reaction. This reaction could be both positive or negative in its consequence, which is why being intentional about your everyday choices is paramount to the type of life you will be able to create for yourself. In the realm of finance, this translates to the idea that our financial outcomes are direct results of our actions, decisions, and behaviors.

Application to Finances:

  • Intentional Actions: Just as planting a seed leads to the growth of a plant, our financial actions sow the seeds of our future financial health. Every time we save, invest, or spend money, we are setting into motion a series of effects that will shape our financial future. Being mindful and intentional about these actions ensures that we are creating positive outcomes.

  • Long-term Planning: The effects of our financial decisions may not always be immediate, but they are inevitable. Consistent actions, like regular saving and prudent investing, compound over time to produce significant results. It's important to think long-term and understand how today's choices impact tomorrow's reality.

  • Avoiding Impulsiveness: In our transcript discussion, we highlighted the importance of recognizing the consequences of impulsive decisions. Financial impulsiveness can lead to negative outcomes, such as debt or missed investment opportunities. By considering the potential effects of our actions, we can make more thoughtful and beneficial financial decisions.

  • Causal Chains: Every financial decision sets off a chain reaction. For example, taking on unnecessary debt can lead to high-interest payments, which can reduce our ability to save and invest. Conversely, paying off debt can free up resources for future growth. Understanding these causal chains helps us make choices that align with our financial goals.

The Principle of Gender

“Gender is in everything; everything has its masculine and feminine principles.”

The Principle of Gender is about recognizing the interplay of masculine and feminine energies that exist within all things. In the context of finance, this principle helps us balance assertive, action-oriented energy with nurturing, creative energy. It’s about finding harmony between these dual aspects to create a robust and resilient financial strategy.

Application to Finances:

  • Masculine Energy: This energy is characterized by decisiveness, assertiveness, and action. In financial terms, masculine energy drives us to set ambitious goals, take calculated risks, and pursue investment opportunities. It's the force that propels us to seize opportunities and push forward with confidence.

  • Feminine Energy: On the other hand, feminine energy is nurturing, patient, and creative. It’s about planning, saving, and ensuring sustainability. In finance, this energy helps us to cultivate and grow our resources over time, ensuring that we are prepared for future needs and uncertainties. It's about creating a stable foundation upon which to build wealth.

  • Balanced Approach: As discussed in the transcript, a balanced financial strategy incorporates both energies. It involves being assertive enough to pursue opportunities and take risks, but also patient and nurturing enough to ensure long-term growth and stability. For example, investing in stocks requires the masculine energy of taking action, while the feminine energy of research and planning ensures that those investments are sound.

  • Practical Examples: On a practical level, balancing these energies might look like creating a diversified investment portfolio. The masculine energy guides you to seek high-growth opportunities, while the feminine energy ensures those investments are balanced with safer, more stable options. Similarly, while aggressive saving is driven by masculine energy, the decision to build an emergency fund is rooted in feminine energy, ensuring security and peace of mind.

On an individual level, applying these principles can transform your relationship with money, leading to better financial habits and a more prosperous life. On a collective level, these principles can foster a healthier economic environment. For example, when we try to cheat the principle of rhythm by collectively avoiding a recession (because continuous growth is not stable), we run the risk of creating disastrous consequences for our planet and communities i.e. climate change, growing wealth inequalities. This is why when individuals align their financial behaviors with these universal laws, the ripple effect can lead to a more balanced and abundant society.

I hope this opinion piece, really got you to understand that mastering your finances involves more than just practical steps; it requires an understanding of the deeper principles that govern your relationship with money - the spiritual, mental, and emotional piece. By embracing the Hermetic principles of Mentalism, Correspondence, Vibration, Polarity, Rhythm, Cause and Effect, and Gender, you can achieve a holistic and balanced approach to financial success.

Trust me, once these truths started to solidify within my being my financial life began to transform. I went from being in debt with no wealth to my name to building a $40,000 investment fund and paying off all my $20,000 in debt within 3 years. I’ve also been close to building gout a six-figure business, with seeing consistent $10,000 months in my business. So, if you start applying these principles today, watch as your financial life transforms. Not just through improved habits, but through a deeper alignment and embodiment of the universal laws that govern all aspects of existence. You are not exempt but can learn to manipulate some of these energies to improve your financial situation.

Don’t forget to join the Holistic Bucks community for more insights and tips on financial wellness, business growth, and wealth building.

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