A 9-month transformative one-on-one experience in helping you to build out your wealthiest financial portfolio and secure wealth for generations to come.

In this 9-month-long coaching program, I will guide you through laying the foundations to help you holistically level up your life through the strategic creation of your own unique financial blueprint toward embodying universal abundance and acquiring long-lasting generational wealth.

You deserve to build a life of financial freedom and ease, through understanding the importance of building a magnetic money mindset, increasing your financial literacy, and investing your money into income-generating and investment streams.

It’s time to take your generational wealth to the ultimate level.

There’s no need to continue...

  • Feeling indecisive about your next wealth-building move and investment decisions and lacking the confidence to make $$$ moves when required

  • Feeling inexperienced when it comes to investing in any financial market like stocks,cryptocurrency and real estate etc.

  • Feeling lost and overwhelmed when it comes to building out a million-dollar portfolio and maxing out your potential returns

  • Living in a state of fear that all your hard-earned money will suddenly be taken away from you and that you will lose all that you’ve worked hard for in your savings

You do not have to continue to live in these feelings of anxiety and uncertainty around your financial future and wondering if you’re building wealth in a way that’s right for you. There are so many pathways and methods of building wealth once you get over your fear of investing and making millionaire type moves.

Overcoming the initial overwhelm and taking control of your finances to become financially secure will be SO WORTH IT. It just takes a little upfront investment, time and dedication to creating wealth in this lifetime - and for the generations that come next.

What’s this Program all about, you ask?

If you're down to creating a 180 degree shift in how you manage your finances, build a resilient money mindset and invest towards a wealthier future, The Wealth Well™ coaching program will cover it all for you. I provide you with a six month step by step process, so that all you have to do is study each module, show up to your zoom calls and apply the framework provided in our calls until you get the desired results.

I will provide you with bi-weekly integrative one on one coaching sessions that are hands-on and accountable to provide the results you need in order to see lasting growth. You will learn how to embody a confident money mindset, maximize your savings, effectively budget towards your goals and learn how to passively and successfully start earning money in the stock market, cryptocurrencies and other wealth generating means.

By the end of the six months you will have all the knowledge and tools to successfully master the skill of wealth building in efforts to attain lasting financial security and freedom, have a well built out plan for securing your retirement(s) and at least two reliable investment streams to add to your wealth building portfolio.

ATTN: This is not for the woman who does not trust in the magic of investing and multiplying her money through passive investment means. If you don’t believe what you put in, you shall surely get back and more - investing may not yet be the next step for you. Please check out my other offerings as a prereq.

Let me tell you something though girl…
My bank account wasn’t always popping and raining $$$!

I remember sitting paralyzed in my room back in University, looking at the amount of debt I had racked up and kept on racking up despite my efforts to lower them. The crazy amount of credit card spending, was beginning to take a toll on me when I realized at some point i'd have to pay it off.

My relationship with money was full of avoidant and unhealthy self-soothing behaviors, and if I wanted to one day free myself from the chains of debt and a lack of savings I was going to have to make drastic changes. When my friend introduced me to investing back in 2017, everything changed. My goals and my drive to build wealth catapulted me into a world of finance I never cared for before. My whole approach to money and mindset shifted for the better as I finally believed that for someone who never came from money, I still could be the first in my generation to secure long-lasting wealth.

Trust me, I get it. Figuring out how to get better organized and become more responsible for your financial growth and wealth-building goals can seem overwhelming. From the fear of investing in the stock market and cryptocurrencies to understanding what the heck is an NFT - many people just put learning how to invest and acquire wealth-generating assets for another day.

But that DOESN’T HAVE TO BE you any longer.


With a blend of holistic and strategic guidance, we can explore and build out your unique blueprint for handling your finances like a pro, feeling secure around your financial future, building a resilient money mindset, and if done right - passing down wealth, knowledge and healthy financial habits down to your kin. If there was ever any financial coaching program that I could've taken 5 years ago to get me where I am today, it would've been this. Fortunately for you, I had to make many mistakes along the way. Mistakes I know for certain within my presence you will no longer have to fear making.

It’s time to stop spinning in indecision around your next move and start making million-dollar decisions.

So, let’s imagine instead that you are:

  • Living knowing you have better control over your financial mindset, savings and wealth-building goals

  • Bringing in over $10,000 in income for your business per month and/or securing your dream job

  • Able to DIY invest in various different markets (i.e. stocks, cryptocurrencies, real estate) with full confidence and have your hard-earned money work for you

  • Strategically planning for your retirement or “mini-retirement” while balancing living in the now as you also invest towards your future best self


I mean, who could resist all of the above? This course just might be for you :)

Introducing The Wealth Well™ Program

This 9-month immersive and results-based program is designed to help the conscious entrepreneur and female-driven leader build out their wealthiest investment profile and create the lasting security and comfort they’ve always wanted for their finances - for good.

This program will help you move from just knowing and understanding the basic concepts around money mindset, budgeting, and investing to a more advanced approach to building out your investments to their maximum potential for a secure retirement and surefire generational plan. I want you to finally feel confident, comfortable, and safe enough to embody and integrate investment-generating practices into your daily life and see the financial abundance you’ve always desired come to life.

You will learn how to deepen and strengthen your relationship with money on both an energetic and practical level. By incorporating the worlds of quantum mechanics, psychology, and economics you will have a great understanding of how both to build and attract abundance into your life with ease and grace, with the magic of multiplying your money.

Just for a second, I want you to close your eyes and imagine releasing your limiting beliefs to be more, to be abundant, to be wealthy and prosperous without guilt and trusting the power of manifestation, intuitively budgeting, discovering creative ways to increase your income, sustainably growing your biz and investing in a way that will secure your path towards generational wealth and creating more freedom for your life and intentional living.

Feels good, doesn’t it?

“It’s not how much money you make. it’s how much you keep, how hard it works for you, and how many generations you get to keep it for".

If you take one anything away from this sales page, I want it to be this.

Through the six months, you will become more rooted in your understanding of advanced financial concepts and strategies, built upon a basic comprehension of budgeting, money mindset and investing. In our calls, we are not just talking about how to growth wealth but making big money moves and steps towards actually bringing in more assets and investments into your overall portfolio. You’ll learn more about DIY investing, cryptocurrency, real estate and other income generating means for your business and investments over the long-term to maximize your potential gains and secure more wealth for the long-term.

It’s time to choose you. It’s time to choose wealth and abundance. It’s time to choose elevation & integration. It’s time to stop playing small and to get aligned with what you know you want out of life. It’s time to finally take your wealth building journey to the last and final level. I want to get you to the finish line, boo!

Client Love Note💌

“I personally never had the type of guidance, coaching, and educational info be offered to me the way Morgan did. Everything actually landed with me. She effortlessly offers services that motivate you to change for the better. I literally went from losing money to making money in one single session!”

- Lily Olsberg, Yoga Practioner

Client Love Note💌

Before working with Morgan, I was unhappy in my corporate career and deeply desired the chance to take a leap into a more aligned and heart-centered entrepreneurial path. I knew that in order to make this happen, I would need to shift my avoidant tendencies around money and find the educational resources to help me feel informed and empowered. After hearing Morgan talk about intuitive investing on a podcast, her approach instantly resonated with me. I jumped into her 6-month coaching program, The Wealth Well, because I felt ready to finally get my financial life aligned with my goals. When I wrote down my goals during our first session, I barely believed it was all possible. But, here I am on the other side of our work together, sitting in my investment property, looking at the calendar for my healing business, and feeling gratitude for the last chapter of my career, now in my rearview. I can't recommend Morgan's programs* enough. Her enthusiasm for what she does is infectious and I felt so lucky to be so supported and encouraged through such a transformation!

- Lydia M., Breathwork Practioner


HERE’S A Peek at What’s inside The Wealth well™️…

Features include: Lifetime access inside The Wealth Well’s four built-in foundational modules, worksheets and videos, the resource vault, and bi-weekly Zoom calls.



  • 18 hourly Zoom calls hosted bi-weekly for us to go over the learning-based curriculum materials in person and implement more hands-on results-based training (value: $4,000)

  • Built-in learning-based curriculum (four foundational schools of thought) that includes informative lesson plans that cover topics such as manifestation, money mindset, improving financial literacy, building and scaling a business, and investing your money into various wealth-generating markets (value: $3,000)

  • Built-in activities, Workshop Exercises, Worksheets, Journal Prompts, and other supportive materials and tools (value: $2,000)

  • Science-based healing practices and tools carried out by a trained Trauma-Informed and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Tapping certified professional, such as meditation, journaling, Cognitive Behavioral Therapy techniques, and EFT Tapping (value: $3,000)

  • Lifetime access to the Resource Vault ™️, which is an extensive list of notion templates, videos, media images, books, written text, and audio files to resort to in addition to the coaching provided (value: $2,000)

And not to mention if you enroll within 24 hours of having your transformation call I'll throw in:

  • The Daily Abundance Dashboard✨ Created in Notion to help organize your daily life and finances with calendars, an income tracker, goals templates, to-do checklists, financial wellness resources, and journal prompts. (value $300)

  • 12 Weeks of On-Demand Text Coaching from Monday to Friday with a guaranteed 24-hour response time (value $1,500)


Buuuuuut, i’m more than happy to give it to you for way less💚


*All payments are in USD.



Best Savings
One-Time Payment


Limited Time Offer!
9 Monthly Payments


FYI - No matter which payment plan you pick, you'll get instant access inside The Wealth Well ™️, the self-paced learning based curriculum, built-in worksheets and pre-recorded videos and access to the Resource Vault ™️.


Meet Your Course Creator

Morgan Blackman

It’s so nice to meet you!

I have been a Do-It-Yourself (DIY) investor for the past five years and have worked to improve my finances and build wealth. My goal is to attain financial freedom and I am extremely passionate about helping other women do the same.

I assure you that you will get more out of this program than the investment you put in. Throughout this program, we will work together to tackle money mindset issues, take control of your finances, and create a custom action plan for you to pay off debts and continually build wealth. You will leave this program confident in your ability to manage your finances along with a strategic plan that will help you finally live a wealthy, fulfilling, and financially stress-free life!

And let me tell you.

Five years ago, I started my journey of learning how to save, pay off debt and invest with $0 to my name. Since then, I’ve been able to pay off over $30,000 in debt, build a 12-month emergency fund, and grow a $5,000 investment into a $40,000 portfolio fund - and growing - all within just three years (that’s a whopping ~36% return on my investments per year. The average investor sees only between 7-10%).

Anybody can take control of their money and make significant improvements in their overall finances, if they really want it. Sometimes, it just takes defining moment where the bigger picture off a sudden clicks. Your reason and purpose for becoming financially secure is crystal clear and you will find the courage to step up to the challenge.

And, I want to be that click for ya so that you have the courage to step TF up to the plate and face your financial situation head on.

Batter up, buttercup.


  • Q: Right now is a busy time for me, I’m worried I won’t have time! Do I need to follow week by week or can I go at my own pace?

    I feel you, but really only requires you to show up for an hour every 2 weeks, with about 2 hours of additional time invested, per week, into the coursework provided. entirely go-at-your-own-pace! You will need to put in work, for sure but I do my best to make sure that it’s not overwhelming. I understand that everyone’s journey through The Wealth Well™ coaching program will look a little different and it's supposed to - that’s the beauty of it.

  • Q: How long will I have access to the content? Will the course expire?

    Girl, I got you. You will have access to this course for a lifetime (sadly can't promise you the next)! Why is that good for you? I want you to always have this content, so if you join now, it’s yours forever. I am constantly tweaking, adding to it, and recording new content so once you’re in, you’re in for everything that’s waiting for you now (and anything that’s to arrive in the near future!)

  • Q: I identify as - fill in the blank - will this work for me?

    No matter how you identify - BIPOC, LGBTQ+, a cancer moon, a projector etc. - the good news is that this course is for anyone who simply wants gain the confidence to manage their finances better and build long-term wealth. I provide a holistic and trauma-informed approach that incorporates self-devotional tools like astrology and human design to honor your innate and aligned way to living and showing up around your finances.

  • Q: My time is limited, how much time will I need to set aside each week for the content?

    A: Since this is a go-at-your-own-pace course, it will differ for everyone. The recommended amount of time to spend on the course per week is about two hours if you want to finish it in eight weeks! I recommend you read the module and re-watch the the Live Q+A once or twice, spend time completing the built-in workbooks, check out the respective resources and then implement. I love that you can pause during your busy weeks, take the modules on the go, and revisit a lesson when you’re feeling stuck or need a refresher.

  • Q: Will I miss out on anything if I buy now and have to start the course later? The timing just isn’t right for me right now

    A: Absolutely not! There is a reason why I chose to do a lifetime, go-at-your-own-pace course, why? Because life is busy, chasing dreams is busy, and running a business is busy! I want you to jump into the content when your life allows and when you’re really invested in the process and ready to rock and roll, baby! This course isn’t for people who just want a secret recipe or a get rich quick scheme, it’s for people who are ready to do the work. Only you can determine when the time is right to make big things happen!

  • Q: Why do I need a wealth building course if I could just google all the steps and figure it out?

    A: This is a valid question but I want to ask you this: will you do it? How much time will you waste watching money ad filled tutorials or consuming content that doesn't apply to your specific situation? Think about all the free resources out there on improving your relationship with money, that still has you in the same broke ass position. Not only will The Podcast Lab save you time spent googling to find your answers but it's ladened with live coaching for accountability and will be like I'm virtually walking you through each piece of the process so that you know exactly what to do to improve your financial conditions.

  • Q: Will you be running this course again in the future?

    I most definitely will, but it is not going to be laucnhed at the same prrice. I would definitely reccomend you take advantage of the discount you are getting with enrolling in the first round.


*All payments are in USD.



Best Savings
One-Time Payment


Limited Time Offer!
6 Monthly Payments


FYI - No matter which payment plan you pick, you'll get instant access inside The Wealth Well ™️, the self-paced learning based curriculum, built-in worksheets and pre-recorded videos and access to the Resource Vault ™️.

Woah there!
You’ve made it this far, huh - so what’s holding you back?

I know you want financial freedom. I know you want to stop feeling stressed and anxious when it comes to your finances. But maybe you have a few more questions? Or you’d like some more information?

That’s perfectly fine! Schedule a complimentary 20-minute clarity call so we can chat and see if this is the right course for you.

 2020 Holistic Bucks. All Rights Reserved.