What to Know Before You Invest If You're Scared to Lose Money
Investing can feel intimidating, especially if you're scared of losing money. In this post, we explore why the fear of investing holds so many back and how understanding the stock market can empower you. We also dive into the benefits of investing—like beating inflation and building wealth faster—and provide practical tips to help you get started. Whether you’re new to investing or just hesitant, this guide will give you the confidence to take that first step toward financial freedom.
Should I Build Out My Emergency Fund or Invest First?
You would not be wrong if you thought that a big question I always get asked as a wealth coach is , “how do I know whether to save first or start investing?”. Here are three main things you should consider before investing in any financial market.
7 Ways to Start Building Lasting Wealth Today
Change starts with you.
Looking for the best way to build wealth but don't know where to start? In this blog post, we break down the principles of wealth building into 7 actionable steps, from creating an emergency fund to changing your money mindset. Whether you’re just starting or already saving, these tips will help you take your financial future to the next level. Read on to discover how to start investing with as little as $1,000 and make your money work for you!
Why You And Money Need To Have A Serious Talk
Ready to secure your future? In this post, I break down essential wealth planning tips for millennials and give you the best money-saving tips for retirement. Find out how you can start retiring in your 20s and create financial independence so you’re ready when the time comes.