10 Reasons Why Your Manifestations Aren’t Working
Manifesting Guest User Manifesting Guest User

10 Reasons Why Your Manifestations Aren’t Working

Here are the 10 main reasons why your manifestations aren't working and what you are doing right now in your manifestation process, that may be causing resistance in your ability to see it come to reality. Manifesting isn't just about setting your intentions and using the law of attraction to get what you want - it's about letting go of expectations and letting the Universe do it's thing.

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How to Use “I Am" Affirmations to Manifest Any Financial Goal
Manifesting, Money Mindset Guest User Manifesting, Money Mindset Guest User

How to Use “I Am" Affirmations to Manifest Any Financial Goal

Have you ever seen the rice experiment? There’s three jars of rice and each is repetitively told one word. One jar receives positive words like "I love you". Another jar is ignored, while the last jar receives negative words like "I hate you". By the end of the experiment the last two jars of rice had turned black or moldy, while the first jar (the positive jar) was still in good condition.

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