What My Idiopathic Health Condition (BFS) Is Teaching Me About Building Wealth

Today, I want to delve into a deeply personal topic that has reshaped my understanding of what it means to be truly wealthy. Over the past three years, my experience with Benign Fasciculation Syndrome (BFS) has taught me invaluable lessons about resilience, patience, and the true essence of wealth.

Note: feel free to watch the YouTube video I created last year detailing my BFS journey HERE.

The Realization: Health is the Ultimate Wealth

Before my diagnosis, I was laser-focused on building my business. Financial success and professional achievements were my primary goals, often pursued at the expense of my well-being. However, dealing with BFS has been a profound wake-up call. I realized that no amount of wealth or success can compensate for poor health. Without physical, mental, and emotional well-being, the joys of life—and the ability to manage and enjoy success—are severely diminished.

The Journey Over the Destination

One of the most significant lessons I've learned from living with BFS is the importance of valuing the journey over the destination. In my earlier years, I was always in a rush to achieve the next milestone, driven by a desire to see immediate results. However, BFS forced me to slow down, to appreciate each step of my journey, and to find joy in the process rather than fixating on the end goal.

This shift in mindset has been transformative. By embracing the slow, steady progress and learning to enjoy the small victories along the way, I've found a deeper sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. This approach has also allowed me to grow my business more sustainably, ensuring that I maintain my health and well-being as I work towards my goals.

Embracing Patience and Resilience

Living with a chronic condition like BFS requires a great deal of patience and resilience. It has taught me to listen to my body, to prioritize self-care, and to be kind to myself. These lessons have extended beyond my personal life and into my professional endeavors. By adopting a more balanced and patient approach, I've become a more effective leader and a more resilient entrepreneur.

This experience has also highlighted the importance of flexibility and adaptability. There have been days when my symptoms were more pronounced, and I had to adjust my plans accordingly. Learning to navigate these challenges has strengthened my ability to handle uncertainty and adversity in both my personal and professional life.

A Humbling Experience

BFS has been a humbling experience. It has reminded me that no matter how much we plan or strive for control, life has its own way of unfolding. This humility has made me more grateful for the good days and more accepting of the challenging ones. It has taught me to celebrate progress, no matter how small, and to view setbacks as opportunities for growth and learning.

Prioritizing Health in a Fast-Paced World

In our fast-paced world, it's easy to neglect our health in the pursuit of success. However, my journey with BFS has reinforced the critical importance of prioritizing well-being. I've learned that taking care of myself is not a luxury but a necessity. This includes regular exercise, a balanced diet, adequate rest, and mindfulness practices that help manage stress and promote mental health.

By prioritizing my health, I've become more productive, focused, and creative. This has not only benefited my personal life but has also had a positive impact on my business. I now approach my work with greater clarity and energy, leading to more effective decision-making and better overall performance.

As I continue to navigate my health and my business, I am reminded daily that the Universe often knows when we are ready to receive the things we desire. It's not about rushing to the finish line but about building resilience, appreciating the journey, and valuing our well-being above all else.

I hope my experiences resonate with you and serve as a reminder to prioritize your health as the true wealth in your life.

↳ my coaching services https://bit.ly/3ZAs0NZ

↴ additional resources and perks:

→ Download my free ebook on mastering your money mindset https://bit.ly/3fAfj33 💵

→ Invest in stocks with Wealthsimple https://bit.ly/3PJYscp 📈

→ Invest in crypto and receive $25 USD https://bit.ly/3TxD4dr 🪙

→ Invest like the rich in art and receive a $200 bonus (USD only) https://bit.ly/3Popuqh 🖼️

→ Sign up for my bi-weekly newsletters https://bit.ly/466g09H 📨


✉️ hello@morganblackman.com


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