Book Me To Speak

As a holistic wealth coach, I have experience being a confident speaker for public speaking events around the topics that intersect finance, spirituality and wellness. I primarily help creative entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial women tap into their full potential by embracing an abundant wealth mindset. I provide actionable strategies that align holistic finance principles with business growth, empowering individuals to create financial abundance through mindset shifts and alternative income-generating strategies.

I focus on key topics, including:

  • How to build a wealthy mindset and shift from a scarcity mindset to an abundance mindset.

  • Developing a wealth creation strategy that aligns with your purpose and business goals.

  • Holistic financial literacy around building a savings, paying off debt, and investing from both capitalistic and anti-capitalistic frameworks.

  • Implementing wellness practices that contribute to overall success and well-being, and bring awareness as a way to quell the addictions of consumerism.

  • Finance tips for small business owners that help increase income, better care for their employees and bring ease into their everyday operations.

At the end of each session, attendees walk away with practical tools for improving their mindset, boosting financial confidence, and applying concrete wealth-creation strategies that will generate meaningful results. My speaking engagements provide a roadmap for achieving both personal and professional financial growth by focusing on the mindset of wealth and long-term wealth creation.

If you’re looking for public speaking opportunities that will inspire and educate your audience about wealth creation, well-being, and financial abundance, contact me today to explore how I can bring value to your next event!